Thursday, April 25, 2013

Whatchu Call

Decidedly I've found that's life is his and hers

      Both lifeless for the taking, apparitions with no solid
      foundation you rocked me until I crumbled, I rolled you,
      sacked you, Queen of the King's last fumble

      Proud of our victories, but ashamed of their
      ask is this whatchu call love?

      Aimlessly badgering the other with hopes of reconciliation so
      spicy your eyes water

      Who is he to you, why is she still texting after all this
      time....things we do turn blind hearts to cobbled stone

      Heavy like burdens, gasping large gulps of sanity as you bob
      about, thrown asunder by a chaotic storm brewed by the
      chronic mistreatment of the one you you rise you this whatchu call love....being loved...loving

      To know that of is distinct, but to feel that of it is
      divine, and with that knowledge we lead to our doom

      You screwing me, me fucking you

      You say my eyes gotdamn you everytime, while for me it's the
      truth behind your clear browns that constantly forsakes
      me...being told by outsiders to look with in and agree to

      As we slackjaw and our images twinkle with dumbfound disgust
      as they regale us with the tales of how the beat their
      union's ass we ask with a pure yet delicate that
      whatchu call love?



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