Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I wait...I wait as if waiting is the only thing i ever want to do...still and calm is my body and all its motions
My eyes follow his pace as it quickens, while his minds searches for the reasons
This ridiculous, and why am I still waiting like a fool, but I dare not budge
The slightest movement from me and this whole thing collapses and waiting  would have been for nothing...so I wait
It's unanimous, his reasons is "because" ...on lord where did I go wrong, when did I miss the first sign, what part did i fuck up to bring us to this
Body still stiff, tears uncontrollably  contained rolling down my cheeks and i feel as empty as a drum..he once filled me up, brought soo much joy that to not be happy was a mystery to me...
But he insist he has his reasons and I should respect and understand them, but if those reasons contradict everything my title stands for then where is the defining line in the sand....it's as if  you've won a game I was
never informed we were racing to get there, I almost feel like you were never here for love, but for game to be given the chance to hunt, poach and mount me...just like game
Strange how my choice to leave baffles you, like you had no idea who I am, you know my type the type to let you have it, i mean this ones on me and i charge it to the game, but i stand around looking down and plan, to be your marble statue....beautiful, graceful, and still never moving from where you've placed me and always being there for don't fit into that picture the whole me shutting down thing is definitely a problem.
You shake my thoughts and drag me back to reality, and in reality im not waiting, im not still, and my tears are not contained at all, I barely got that last part...something about you have your reasons, blah blah, i love you, blah blah.....or i think so im not sure, i wasn't paying attention but don't be mad i have my reasons...

My choice not my reasons