Friday, December 31, 2010

The Body That Lies Between Us

As i lay in bed thoughts worry my mind...
How long before she calls, how many days before she worries long before he sleeps and she grasps a moment of time away?
The repeats of our times together, how much she always cared for me when i needed she was there before he came between us...
Where I use to lay, where my love once dwelled undisturbed, he now lies with his presence keeping her at bay...
The days once filled with us are now surrounded by him
Her wedding day crushed me, her beauty unknown and her eyes drenched with hope for her future with him, no longer talk of memories together, no future for us...
Nothing left to mark our days just the body between us...him with the heart of a child and me with the heart of a lonely lioness doomed to walk the Sahara no companionship, no one to make the long hot days bearable...he lies between us....
His mouth filled with half truths, his mind cluttered with insecurities, his heart selfish and thoughtless, and his soul black and dim....he lies between us
I dont expect for her to ever really see, to ever really know that beneath it all he laid between us...

Having to make nice with a fungus growing on her life

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